Leave and License Online Registration in Pune, Mumbai and all over Maharashtra, India.
We provide doorstep - Leave and License Registration in Pune, Mumbai and all Locations in Maharashtra, Ahmedabad, Jodhpur, Bangalore, New Delhi, Noida, Kachchh, Hyderabad and other major cities in India.
Residential / Commercial - Apartment / Flat / Godown / Land+Building / Shed / Office / Shop
Any Company / Partnership Firm / Individuals - with - Any Company / Partnership Firm / Individuals Registration available
The "Leave and License", which is an easement right and is defined and governed u/s 52 of the Indian Easements Act,1882. A 'Leave & License' ensures that there is no transfer of interest from the Licensor to the Licensee. It is License to occupy and use the premises in the mentioned duration on mutually agreed terms. Remote Registration : For Indians who resides ( Overseas Clients ) in different countries in U.K , U.S.A., Japan, Germany
Remote Support, Remote Access, Desktop Sharing and Online Meetings